MBSR Training

MBSR Training


Newsflash - You can not take the 8-week MBSR training virtually. Discover all the benefits of MBSR in the comfort of your own home or office. This is NEW. For more information CALL 415.356.9809 and leave a confidential voicemail with information about how and when to reach you.

Over the past 25 years, mindful awareness practices have been shown to have a positive impact on many areas of psychological and physical health, including stress, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and heart disease.

MBSR, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, is an 8 week course in which you learn, and practice meditation and mindful movement. It is taught individually, in groups or on-site for businesses. Students of MBSR report better sleep, decreased stress and stress related problems. It is also effective in treating chronic pain and some immune related medical problems. Please contact me for more information. Call 415.356.9809 and leave a confidential voicemail.

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